【For Business】Manga Drawing (Promotion/Guide)

Manga for business that is interesting and easy to read.

Regardless of the business industry, manga can now be used to promote various services and products.

Exp: Website/ Flyer/ Exhibition/ Event/ StorePOP/ Training/ Recruitment/ In-house Newsletter…etc

The content is easy to grasp, even for some “difficult-to-understand” topics.

■Manga Production Flowchart

① Meeting

We will inquire about the purpose and direction of the type of manga that you are interested in, then a meeting to understand further.

② Create scenario

Create a scenario based on the content of the meeting.

We will decide the character, settings, dialogue, .etc.

③ Setting Storyboard

Based on the previously discussed scenario, the next step is to determine frame division, dialogue, etc.

④ Draft・Sketch・Coloring

Draft, sketch, and coloring based on the storyboard.

⑤ Phototypesetting

Based on the scenario, add dialogue to the speech balloon.

⑥ Manuscript Completed

◆◇ Translation ◇◆

We can translate languages such as “Vietnamese”, “Chinese” and “English”.
Regarding quality, please see each language by switching languages on our site (top and right of the page).

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